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Unit Z, Winchester Avenue,
Blaby Industrial Park,
Leicester, LE8 4GZ,
United Kingdom
E Range Lamination Coil Bobbins
M Range Lamination Coil Bobbins
M range coil bobbins are compatible with TBS600 series terminals and are available as single, double or shrouded double versions with compatible insulation covers.
N Range Encapsulated Lamination Coil Bobbins
Our range of encapsulated lamination bobbins are available in 5 standard sizes EI 30, EI 38, EI 42, EI 48 and EI 54.
U Range Lamination Coil Bobbins
Miles Platts U range lamination coil bobbins are low profile coil bobbins which are designed and engineered for PCB mounting.
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